Bunting, dancing, fun and games at street parties

WHILE big events drew thousands of people to parks and open spaces during the Coronation bank holiday weekend, some residents took the chance to organise their own street parties to bring their communities together.

Residents of the 64 homes in Woodside Road, off Cleeve Wood Road, made the most of the good weather on Sunday May 7 to meet up in the sun.

Jodie Godfrey, who helped organise the event, said: “It was the first official Road closure held by Woodside Road.

“With lots of newcomers to the street it was a real unknown as to how well-supported the event would be, but it was a true success, a real chance for a long road to come together and meet.

“We had residents who have lived on the road for 50-plus years meeting with newcomers and their families.

“Children along the road got creative and set up cupcake making – we even had our own crazy golf designed by the younger residents.

“One of our residents brought out his ‘Coronation express’ train set, which kept the children guessing where the train would stop to win a prize. 

“It was so lovely that the council waived the road closure application fee – this is definitely something that should continue to be encouraged to bring communities together.

“Watching the children play in the street was wonderful and I was truly surprised at how many children live along the road.” 

Also on May 7, residents of Oakdale Road in Bromley Heath followed up the success of last year’s Platinum Jubilee party with another get-together.

Fiona Konteh, who helped organise the event, said: “The Oakdale Army sprang into action once more and bedecked the road with bunting.

“We were blessed with beautiful weather and a great turn-out, which once again brought the community together.

“We were very grateful to Avon Fire Service, who brought along a fire tender for everyone to have a look at and appreciate the work that the service does for us all.

“There was singing and dancing and the ever-popular ice creams and tombola, which raised funds for the Bromley Heath Scout & Guide HQ Fund.”

Around 25 residents of nearby Oakdale Court gathered for a party on Coronation day.

A resident said: “We held the celebrations on the Saturday, after the Coronation finished, in one of the gardens and had home-made pizzas and barbecue, with a delicious Victoria sponge from the Cake Fairy Bristol.”