Coronation at Bromley Heath Junior School

BROMLEY Heath Junior School pupils linked their latest theme of ‘kindness’ to the Big Help Out volunteering event launched as part of the Coronation celebrations.

Year 4 children carried out a litter pick in the neighbourhood to care for the environment, while Year 5s greeted and packed bags for customers at the Co-op to raise money for charities, collecting a total of £87.68 for Diabetes UK and £73.55 for Macmillan. 

Year 3 pupils ran a break-time fruit stall in the playground which raised £24.73 for the North Bristol and South Gloucestershire Food Bank, while children in Year 6 explored how to show kindness to the planet by thinking about their carbon footprint.

Deputy head teacher Stewart McSmythurs said: “The children have really enjoyed supporting one another and the community.”   

Children dressed in red, white and blue for Coronation activities including crown-making, designing new stamps and drawing portraits before celebrating the event with squash, cup-cakes and traditional games. 

They also learned about coronation traditions stretching back to Anglo-Saxon times, studied coronation regalia and the timeline of the British monarchy.