UK titles for Taekwondo team

A MARTIAL arts team based in Lyde Green is celebrating after several students took home UK champion titles. 

Members of Fishponds Taekwondo Academy, aged from 15 to 50, took part in the UK International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) Finals Day at Thornbury Leisure Centre on May 13.

Only black belt competitors who had qualified at the National Championships in March were able to take part at the event.

The team, which started training in the area two years ago, returned with six UK Champion titles, as well as silver and bronze medals.

The Under-18s Male team also won gold in patterns and silver in sparring, while a member of Fishponds joined a team from Torbay to form an Under-18s Female team, wining gold in sparring and silver in patterns.

Instructor Gavin Reader said: “It’s a privilege to take part in such an event, where competitors are at the top of their game.

“To make it through is an achievement in itself and we are very proud of the team.”

Fishponds Taekwondo Academy trains at Lyde Green Community Centre every Wednesday and Friday. For more information, contact Gavin on 07500 764276 or email