Helen’s off to make pizza

A LONG-standing church leader, teacher and Voice contributor is leaving Downend for a new life – as a seaside mobile pizza chef.

Helen Buick and her family have worshipped for 17 years at Christ Church Downend and for six years she was part of the church’s leadership team.

She also worked with Nic Barnett from Pendennis Good News Church at the children’s Move It Club at Staple Hill Community Hub and led the Downend Soup and Junior Soup projects to encourage initiatives to change the community for the better.

Helen returned to her teaching career at Mangotsfield School three years ago, initially as a librarian and then teaching French.

But she is now moving to Bigbury-on-Sea in Devon and starting a mobile, wood-fired pizza business with her husband. 

Helen said: “Thank you Downend, Mangotsfield, Staple Hill and Bromley Heath for being my home and helping me to grow and belong to such an amazing community.

“I have really loved living here, my children have thrived at their schools and in their many clubs (Rainbows, Guides, Beavers, Dinky Divas, Cubs, Scouts, football, South Glos music hub and the Ignite Youth Club at Christ Church). 

“For me, working and getting to know so many lovely people has been such a blessing.

“I’m excited about my new pizza venture but will miss the many friends I have made over the past 17 years.”