A NURSERY’S passionate staff and ambitious curriculum means its children are “incredibly curious and excited to learn”, an inspector has said.
Ofsted has given Red Bus Nursery & Preschool in Downend Road its highest possible rating after visiting in May.
The education watchdog also gave the nursery an ‘outstanding’ grade on its only previous visit, six years ago.
Inspectors Kelly Sunderland and Charlotte Adcock said: “The children are at the heart of everything in this remarkable nursery. They create extremely close bonds with staff, who offer excellent support and warmth.
“Staff implement a highly ambitious curriculum with passion that cultivates children, who are incredibly curious and excited to learn.
“There is outstanding support for developing children’s communication and language skills. Staff provide a language-rich environment and place high emphasis on ensuring that all children hear and develop a rich vocabulary.
“Children demonstrate exemplary behaviour. They show excellent understanding of the nursery rules and boundaries.”
Ofsted’s report, published at the end of June, said the nursery was outstanding in all areas – quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, leadership and management, and personal development.
The inspectors said staff support children’s physical development “very well”, and support for children with special educational needs or disabilities was a “key strength of the nursery”.
They said manger Lynsey Elliott is “extremely reflective and constantly strives to improve the quality of outcomes for all the children”.
The inspectors added: “Staff report a high level of well-being. There is a culture of respect that has created a strong team spirit within the nursery. Staff comment they feel that they are valued and appreciated.”
The report said staff “consistently encourage children to be independent” and help both children and their parents with transitions through different stages at the nursery and preschool, which has 233 children aged from babies to four year olds on its roll, with places for 128 each session.
Lynsey said the experience of the inspection was “really positive”.
She said: “The inspectors not only acknowledged the challenges the sector is facing, which was reassuring, but commended our response and innovation to these challenges.
“Our team are at the heart of who we are and are our most valued asset, so it was a proud moment to hear the inspectors admiration for the passion and high quality teaching they were able to observe in all areas.
“With the backing of our exceptional team since our last inspection, we have been able to maintain our high standards and continue to drive an ambitious curriculum full of curiosity and fun for our children.
“The inspectors were inundated with positive feedback and praise from our parents and families showcasing our effective partnership and respect they have for our team; it was certainly a proud moment to be referred to by Ofsted as remarkable!”