Club has a ‘positive attitude to play’

AN out of school club’s well-behaved children and “exceptional” staff have been praised by an inspector.

Education regulator Ofsted visited the club at Christ Church C of E Infant School in Downend during the summer term.

Inspector Charlotte Adcock’s report said the club, which has 74 children on its roll and is run by charity Oldbury Court Out of School Clubs, meets the watchdog’s quality standards.

Her report praised the “sociable, confident” children’s good manners and “exceptional teamwork” as they make the most of their opportunities to play out in the fresh air.

The inspector said: “Children have a positive attitude to their play. Throughout the session there is a sound of laughter and cheerful chatter.

“Staff know the children exceptionally well. Children join in with the challenging and motivating play opportunities that staff carefully plan for them.

“All children behave extremely well during their time at the club. Staff are exceptional role models and have high expectation for children’s behaviour.”

The inspector said staff included children in creating the rules for the club and ensured these were “consistent and fair”.

Her report also praised the way the club encouraged children to eat healthily and play safely, from protecting themselves from the sun to good hygiene.

She said parents were very positive about the “supportive and committed” staff, who “go the extra mile to provide enriching experiences for children”.

The report also praised the management team’s “clear vision” for the club.

Manager Amy Brewer said she was pleased the inspector had noticed the way older children looked out for younger ones and took on responsibilities, and had seen how club activities helped the children learn rather than just keeping them occupied.

Amy said: “It’s a shame that the inspections aren’t graded, as there wasn’t anything the inspector said we needed to improve.

“I’m really chuffed – it does show the amount of effort the staff go to, and it’s nice that our hard work is acknowledged.

“We’re very lucky to be part of this lovely school – the children are great, the families are great and everyone’s really supportive.”