Detectorist’s discovery

A METAL detectorist has uncovered a cache of jewellery buried in Hambrook.

David Upton, who searches local fields with permission from landowners, found almost 50 items of gold and silver jewellery buried in two silver-plated pots.

Some of the jewellery appeared to be recent and police have been informed, to check whether the jewellery is linked to a recent burglary.

Mr Upton said he found the jewellery around 18 inches underground, at a spot that was overgrown with grass and did not appear to have been recently disturbed.

One of the pots contained silver jewellery and the other contained gold – there were around 50 items in total, including rings, pendants, bracelets, necklaces and an antique brooch with a lock of hair.

The items, which were found in late September, have been placed with a jeweller for safekeeping.