Fairtrade visit

CHILDREN at two primary schools learned about the lives of farmers who grow coffee when one visited from Nicaragua.

Frenchay Primary School and Christ Church Junior School each had a visit from the Fairtrade coffee grower, who had travelled 5,000 miles from her home village, despite never setting foot on a plane or train before.

She talked to children about her life, including cooking by firewood and washing clothes in the local river, how coffee is grown and processed, and the impact of disease and climate change – Nicaragua is currently in the grip of a drought.

Children saw artefacts from daily life in Nicaragua, including coffee sacks and beans, a mosquito net and a hammock, and also learned how the Fairtrade scheme had helped the farmer improve her life, including supporting her children and grandchildren with school and employment.

The visit was organised by Bristol Link with Nicaragua, with support from Bristol and Bath universities.