Letters: July 2024

Book will help charities

I’M a Downend resident who has written a book on the challenges I have faced from mental health, domestic violence and an eating disorder. 

‘Jo’s Hidden Secrets’ is raising money for Next Link domestic violence charity and Mothers for Mothers post natal depression charity, who helped me at my darkest times. 

I found fundraising for charities that have helped me and sharing my experiences with those facing similar challenges to me helped me cope with my mental health issues too.

I wish I’d known about what wonderful charities were available when I was at school. 

I’ve also started a fundraiser to donate mental health support packs to local high schools, as I wished they were available back when I was at school.

I really struggled facing bullying and an eating disorder and mental health issues and many other challenges too but didn’t know where to go, so I decided to help teenagers know what wonderful charities are out there.

You can support the mental health packs at GoFundMe on tinyurl.com/3py3z4cf.

If you’d like a copy of the book you can find it at thelisteningpeople.co.uk.

Emma Louise James


Time to reconsider bike scheme

I RECENTLY spotted an e-bike dumped by the side of the River Frome in Frenchay.

After a 20-minute call to Bristol City Council I gave up and tried South Gloucestershire Council to find exactly the same reaction. BCC apparently had technical problems and SGC had staffing issues. The e-bike came from Bristol, as it was dumped in the car park on the Bristol side, and ended up by the river on the South Glos side.

I finally found ‘Fix my Street’, who contacted (bike hire operator) Tier for me. They did collect the bike, about a week later. Goodness knows how they got down there.

If you don’t know the bike number you can’t complete Tier’s online form. There needs to be a better reporting process in place.

These bikes are an eyesore at best and downright dangerous at worst, although I am sure there are people who love them, and a potential pollution problem when dumped by a river.

People don’t look after their own stuff: are we expected to believe they are going to look after something they don’t own?

It’s time we reconsidered this nonsense. It needs more transparency and public consultation.

Lesley Collins

A wonderful workshop

A SINGING workshop held on May 11 at Lincombe Barn was very successful.

Some 27 singers thoroughly enjoyed a couple of hours under the baton of Ben England.

He puts his life and soul into explaining the ramifications of singing, at the same time managing to get the most from the singers whilst learning new works.

At the end of the two hours all were uplifted, having learnt three songs well enough to sing them completely at the end of the session.

Some of the participants had experienced Ben’s expertise before but still found the event rewarding.

The hall was abuzz with sound.

Happiness is the key word which explains the feeling Ben invokes. It was a wonderful couple of hours.

Patricia Holmes

Evening flower show

DOWNEND Horticultural Society is holding an evening flower show event on Thursday August 8, from 7.30pm at Downend Assembly Hall.

With an informal, fun and friendly atmosphere, it will be a chance to be inspired by growers from the local community.

Whether first-time grower or professional, all are welcome.

You can enter by contacting downendhortsoc@gmail.com.

We meet every second Thursday of the month.

Emily Coles

Calling Children
of the 90s

AS readers you will probably know, Children of the 90s is a world-renowned health study involving thousands of people in Bristol, Bath, Weston and the wider area.

We are still going strong, after 30 years, and are looking to reach anyone aged 31-33 who has lost touch or who hasn’t yet visited our current clinic.

The study follows the health and development of more than 14,000 families with a child born in Bristol and the surrounding area between April 1991 and December 1992.

Researchers have used the data collected over the last 30 years to help answer important questions on key health issues, including asthma, childhood obesity, and dementia.

Almost 4,000 young people have already attended the latest @30 clinic and taken part in a series of physical and mental health measures including full-body bone density scans, liver scans and lung function tests. 

The clinic comes to an end in July, and the Children of the 90s team want to hear from anyone who was born in or around the city in 1991/2 and would like to take part in this ground breaking research.

As a thank you for taking part, you’ll get £40 (bank transfer or voucher) – with free parking and travel expenses covered.

To find out more call 0117 331 0011 or email info@childrenofthe90s.ac.uk.

Emma Robinson

Communications and Engagement Manager

Children of the 90s (ALSPAC)