Join the sing-a-long

A COMMUNITY cafe based at a Downend church is inviting everybody to join them for a free Christmas celebration.

The Big Christmas Community Sing-A-Long takes place at 6.30pm on December 20 at St Augustine of Canterbury Church in Boscombe Crescent.

It will celebrate the coming of Christmas as well as two years since the community cafe, which meets every Friday afternoon, was set up by former parish councillor Martyn Poole and St Augustine’s churchgoers Petra Jordan and Myra Woods, supported by a team of volunteers.

Martyn said: “We have the Salvation Army Band and the Frampton Male Voice Choir to bring us festive joy.

“Free refreshments will be provided, so bring all the family!

“Everyone is welcome to come along and kick-start your Christmas together.”

It is being sponsored by Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council and St Augustine’s church and tickets are not required – people can just come along.