Bowls course returns

PAGE Park Bowls Club is holding its popular course to teach the basics of the sports from next month.

The course is open to anyone aged 12 and above, and will be held at the club’s Page Park green for seven consecutive Saturdays from April 26, between 10am and noon each day.

Tuition is provided by five qualified Bowls England coaches and all equipment is provided, with the exception of flat-soled shoes, which are essential (no heels or ribbed soles).

There will be an initial registration fee of £5 then a charge of £5 per session to cover costs.

Due to its popularity, we anticipate that this year’s course will again be oversubscribed, so applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. You don’t have to join Page Park Bowls Club to take the course, but should you wish to do so it is a condition of club rules that you must have satisfactorily completed the course.

We are widening our catchment area to encourage new players who would prefer to play for other local clubs, whose membership is smaller than ours, when they have completed the course.

To register your interest, please call 07718 306623 or email

For additional information visit

Don Willcox