Where will the next betting shop be?

SOUTH Gloucestershire’s planning committee has approved the conversion of the former Lloyds Bank building in Staple Hill High Street into a betting office (Voice, page 14).

This will be the third in an area of 50 yards diameter (at this point I must thank Cllr Ian Boulton for his strenuous efforts to block the application, including a statement at committee).

In the meantime, thankfully, Downend said goodbye to its only betting office about a year ago, replaced by an extra unit of Mokka.

However at the east end is the still empty former Lloyds Bank site, closed two years ago.

What are the chances of one of the three Staple Hill units closing down and attempting to move into Downend?

After all, betting offices are an essential facet of any shopping area, particularly in these  economically stricken times.

Alan Elkan, Downend

Rodway School Reunion

CALLING all Rodway School ex-pupils from 1963-1972 inclusive.

A reunion has been organised, under the theme of “age 70 in 2023” (-ish, really we’re aged 69 to 71) to bring together old friends to catch up and remember their schooldays.

The event will take place on September 23, from 3pm until late, at the Bromley Suite, Cleve Rugby Club, Cossham Street in Mangotsfield.

There will be refreshments including a bar, tea/coffee and buffet, and entertainment.

There will also be a memorabilia table, so please bring along any old photos or magazines you would like to share.

Among those attending will be head boys Nigel Newnham and Huw Powell, head girls Maureen Pragnell and Judith Pinkett, deputy head boy Tim Brain and deputy head girl Helen Kington.

For further information, regular updates and a comprehensive list of those attending, please contact the email Rodway2023@gmail.com.

David James, Tim Organ and Judith Pinkett (committee)

Concert success

THANK you to any Voice readers who attended the Filtones Choir Christmas Crackers concert in December.

We have made a donation of £200 to the charity Sense, for people with complex disabilities.

This was our first public concert for three years and was well-attended by our audience, who generously donated to this good cause.  

We have also made donations from family and friends-only concerts since we returned from covid in September 2021. Their generosity enabled us to donate £200 for Ukraine in March last year and £150 in August to St Peter’s Hospice.

The choir does pride itself on its fundraising efforts and the members are delighted to be able to return to these after so long a break.

We handed our donation to representatives from the charity at the Sense Family Centre, Woodside, Kingswood. 

Sense provides short breaks for children with multi-sensory impairment and complex needs across Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

Dot Bryant