Young talent urged to consider apprenticeships

Apprentice Molly Bliss, from Downend

AN apprentice from Downend who is building a career at the Ministry of Defence is encouraging other people to consider the opportunity to learn and gain qualifications on the job.

Molly Bliss, aged 20, is in the second year of a chartered management degree apprenticeship and is on a placement with the Defence Equipment & Support strategy team at Abbey Wood.

By the end of her four years she aims to have a degree in management and business, as well as Chartered Manager status.

Molly said: “I think I’ve had a job since I was 14, so I already knew I wanted to get straight into a work environment, get paid and just be involved in the more practical side of it.

“But I also wanted to do a degree at the same time, because my academics have always been quite good and I’ve always enjoyed school, so I wanted to do something that combines them and the apprenticeship was the best way of doing that.”

Molly has visited an RAF base and exhibitions during her apprenticeship, to “go out and see the kit and equipment DE&S provides to the armed forces”.

She said colleagues at the organisation care about helping apprentices to “grow and develop”, adding: “Everyone in the organisation seems interested in why you’ve chosen your apprenticeship and how they can bring you forward in that, so I would say there’s good relationships everywhere.”

Molly spoke about her career as part of National Apprenticeship Week in February, as one of almost 300 apprentices at DE&S.

Chief executive Andy Start said schemes range from engineering and cyber security to accounting. He said: “Apprentices and graduates are our future as we strive to keep our nation and allies safe.”

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