New double yellows near school

double yellow lines and zigzag parking restrictions are set to be introduced on streets near Barley Close Primary School.

South Gloucestershire Council plans to introduce the new measures to “prevent inconsiderate and dangerous parking” close to the school in Mangotsfield, and “make it more attractive to walk to school”.

The scheme includes extra double yellow lines on Royal Road, Stockwell Drive and Stockwell Avenue.

There would also be a new yellow zigzag ‘no stopping’ restriction on Stockwell Drive, in force between 8-9.30am and 3-4.30pm, to prevent cars parking close to the pedestrian access into the school during the morning and afternoon school run.

Announcing the measures, the council said: “Concerns have been raised regarding the dangerous and inconsiderate/inappropriate parking on the streets surrounding Barley Close Community Primary School, including parking on the pavement.

“These proposals therefore aim to address some of these concerns where possible, and will supplement the existing restrictions in Barley Close itself. These residential roads and pavements in this area are narrow, and parking reduces the width of the road even further, making pedestrians feel vulnerable.”

The zigzag lines will extend in front of the two houses either side of the school’s pedestrian access in Stockwell Drive.

The new double yellow lines will be on all sides of the road at the Stockwell Drive/Stockwell Avenue junction, at the Stockwell Drive/Royal Road junction, and on various stretches of Royal Road between Greenside and Stockwell Drive.

A short “informal consultation” on the changes was announced by the council after March’s Voice went to print and closed before April’s edition was published.

The council said the restrictions would supplement the Highway Code rule on parking within 10 metres of a junction, and said it hoped to bring in a legal order and paint the lines during the next 12 months.