Cleeve Singers spread Christmas cheer

THE Cleeve Singers annual Christmas concert took place on Saturday December 2 at Lincombe Barn.   

Having changed from evenings to an afternoon it would seem there is a significant number of people who prefer that time of day.  

The cold, very wet weather didn’t dampen people’s spirit to turn out and join in singing some carols.  

Some former members of the choir were again in the audience, which really is heartening to see.      

Last year it was noted how many adverts there were appealing for singers in all areas of the city.

There has been a noticeable shortage of people wishing to sing since Covid first arrived on the scene, and Cleeve have experienced the same and are still trying to increase the membership.

Being a four-part choir doesn’t make it any easier, as the male populace seem to be even more reluctant to exercise their vocal cords.

This year we were joined by five flautists, which some people seemed to find a revelation, particularly as it is an instrument deemed to belong in an orchestra. 

The five pieces they played were beautiful, and during the interval members of the audience were speaking to them.   

The new TuttiFlutti group rehearse at Lincombe Barn on Friday nights and are particularly keen to increase their numbers. 

Freewheelers EVS, who courier blood, X-rays, breast milk and urgent specimens to hospitals by bike, were this year’s charity choice.  

David Maddern, one of the charity’s couriers, gave a very interesting talk about their work.  

There are in the order of 100 bikers who give their own time and are on call round the clock on 365 days a year so that hospital calls can be answered immediately.  

The Cleeve Singers rehearse weekly at Lincombe Barn, at 7.30pm on Wednesdays and welcome new members.

For more information email or visit our Facebook or web pages.

Patricia Holmes