Salvation Army’s birthday bash celebrates revamp

STAPLE Hill Salvation Army celebrated its 140th anniversary with a weekend of activities, which included the formal reopening of the refurbished Broad Street building.

The event over the weekend of February 10-11 included exhibitions, guided tours of the new flexible layout, activities, café and live music.

Major Colin Hylton-Jones, who with his wife Nicola runs the church and community centre, said: “It was important that we spent time with the local community and allowed them to come and see what was available right on their doorstep.” 

The refurbishment was made possible by a generous donation from the Harry Crook Foundation, although the church congregation itself continues to raise funds towards the overall cost.

The work has made the building much more flexible, and the capacity of the main worship hall has been increased with the addition of a 60-seater balcony. 

Major Nicola Hylton-Jones said: “What we have done is future-proof our building, so that it is available and ready to serve the community of Staple Hill well into the future.”

The Celebration weekend ended with the Staple Hill Salvation Army Band heading a march, which included many members of the congregation, from Page Park to the hall in Broad Street.