10k raises cash

A CHARITY adviser from Staple Hill was part of a team that raised £1,700 to help support their service.

India Ellis leads Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire’s WARM project, which provides advice to people with physical or mental health problems.

She and five colleagues joined together to run in the Bristol 10K in May.

The money they have raised will go towards the charity’s costs in providing services to more than 7,000 people in South Gloucestershire per year: the service is helping about ten times as many people in need of food bank or charity support as it did before the pandemic.

India, 23, said: “I have never been a fan of running but challenging myself for a worthy cause, like Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire, made it an easy decision to give it a go.

”Training for the race had its hurdles, as I had some rugby injuries which set me back slightly. Pushing through made me feel all the prouder for completing the race.  

“It was a hot day from the get-go, which added to the difficulty, but the atmosphere was incredible.  

“Nearing the finish line was special for me, it was great to see my colleagues really cheering for me; as well as members of the public who were reading my name and cheering!”

The team’s donations page is still open at tinyurl.com/y59p4zbe.