Leaving the classroom behind

DOWNEND School pupils took a week out from lessons to embark on expeditions, take trips and learn new skills.

The school’s ‘enrichment week’ in July saw normal timetabled lessons replaced with extra-curricular events, from a residential activity trip to Devon for Year 7 pupils to a cultural trip to London for Year 12s, visiting theatres, museums and the London Dungeon.

Three groups of Year 8 students also went to London, for a variety of history and geography-based activities.

More than 100 Year 9 and 10 pupils completed an expedition around the North Somerset countryside, camping out over a number of days.

Another 100-plus Year 10s had the chance of a week of work experience, part of a comprehensive careers programme, which also included the chance to take part in a mock job interview.

There were also activities back at the school, with Year 7s taking part in a historical walk to see the Downend area in a new light, as well as a day of performing arts.

Year 8 pupils had a creative programme which included making wind-up cars, charcoal portraits, videos and taking photographs, while Year 9s had a week of science activities including a CSI day and a ‘mission to Mars’.

Four different sports days were organised by the PE department.

Emma Jukes, of the school’s community council, said: “Being able to watch students learning, having fun and building relationships with each other and with staff in a totally different context is such a privilege and well worth all the extra effort and planning.