Traders ready to kick off Christmas rushCHRISTMAS MARKET DOWNEND

TRADERS in Downend and Staple Hill are taking part in special events to encourage people to shop locally this Christmas.

First up is the Christmas on the Hill event in Staple Hill, which will offer a variety of activities for families as well as stalls, music and dance performances, finishing with traditional Christmas carols around the tree.

The event on December 7 includes an outdoor market in Fountain Square with stalls selling cakes, jewellery, fragrances and crafts, an indoor market in Page Community Hall in Page Road and a variety of attractions up and down the High Street and Broad Street.

Organised by the Staple Hill Chamber of Trade, events will kick off at 10am and continue until dusk.

There will be story times from 11am in the library, with a special reading by children’s author Fiona Foyer as well as readings by local councillors and residents.

A Bluey and Bingo photo booth in Bunch florist will raise money for charity.

Children will be able to seek out Father Christmas at the Window Hub and in Staple Hill Methodist Church, which also has a variety of stalls.

An elf will perform magic tricks along the street and there will be fairground rides, dance and choir performances before the carols around the tree, accompanied by the Salvation Army band, at 4pm.

Maps will be available from local traders to show where all activities are taking place.

On December 15 a new Christmas market will be held in Downend from 11am to 3pm.

The market, organised by Melody Beard of the Bean Tree Cafe in Page Park, will include artisan stalls, food, music, free activities, face painting and another chance to meet Father Christmas.

The 20 stalls will be along the pavement in the high street area and around the Sainsbury’s Local store in Badminton Road.

Frenchay & Downend ward councillors Liz Brennan and Ben Burton say they have been encouraging South Gloucestershire Council to explore options for a more permanent market for Downend to increase footfall to local businesses, and welcomed the arrival of the Christmas market.

Cllr Brennan said: “Events like this are always brilliant for boosting community spirit and bringing people together, and I’m pleased to have been able to help get it off the ground.”

By the time the market starts Downend’s Christmas lights will have been shining for three weeks – the switch-on event was due to take place on November 22 at 6pm, as reported in last month’s Voice.

Cleeve Wood Shops are not holding a separate Christmas switch-on event this year but will have a tree on display from Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council.