PUPILS at a Downend primary school decorated their bikes, scooters and helmets for a ‘bling your bike’ competition.
They used foil, ribbons, balloons, foam tubes, sweet wrappers, coloured paper and their imaginations to create some eye-catching designs.
The event was part of the Living Streets Active Travel scheme, which aims to persuade more families to ditch the car and walk, scoot or cycle to school.
PE lead Rhi Randall said: “Children could decorate their bikes, scooters, helmets and shoes to make them look super cool!
“There were some amazing entries, and the children made a super effort.”
Head teacher Mark Hilliam said: “the children love to participate in the active travel scheme, including the ‘WOW’ walk to school challenge, park and stride and many other events in the curriculum.
“The staff really promote healthy living and travel choices with the children, and bling your bike is a fun way for everyone to get involved.”