Help park to bloom

Help park to bloom

PEOPLE are being invited to help plant flowers to brighten up Page Park in volunteering sessions during April.

The Friends of Page Park have been given an £800 grant by the West of England Combined Authority’s Bee Bold fund to encourage pollinators.

A further £750 from Wessex Water is going towards more plants, as well as a woodchip path to and increasing the size of the mounds around the park’s Celebration Bench.

A volunteer session to plant 500 bluebells, snowdrops and other wildflower plant varieties around the bench and other areas will take place on April 1 from 10.30am-1.30pm, with all welcome.

A second planting session will be held later in the month involving members of the Staple Hill Hub’s Sprouts gardening group – more details will be posted nearer the time on the Friends of Page Park Facebook page.